Generating exercises

Exercises for the sample course are generated using several scripts and programs:
make_ex_sci_name (species-name)
This uses an XSLT transformation, ex_sci_name.xsl, to generate an exercise involving the species' Latin name.
make_ex [ pic_cone | pic_leaf | pic_form | pic_bark | tree_id_mc ] species
This C++ program (using the expat XML parsing library) parses the knowledge database and generates an exercise core document according to its arguments: "pic_cone" generates a multiple-choice question asking to identify the cone of the species, and so on; "tree_id_mc" generates a multiple-choice question that supplies a few randomly-chosen clues, and asks for the identity of the tree.
This applies an XSLT transformation, assign_ids.xsl, that assigns unique IDs to questions and items. It pipes the result through transformation by the default exercise stylesheet.

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